Certificate of Advanced Studies ‘Light and Chronobiology’
****** This course is COMING SOON. ******

© Prof. Dr. Christian Cajochen
The “CAS Light and Chronobiology” integrates topics covering the biological effects of daylight from various fields such as architecture, chronobiology, lighting design, medicine and psychology. This opens up theoretical and, above all, practical applications for improving public health.
Students learn about scientific methods and results of interdisciplinary daylight research and acquire practical knowledge of how they can use and apply this knowledge in their working environment.
Completing a written thesis enables students to deal in depth with a key topic of their choice and establish a direct link to their field of work.
Course Structure
- Light and its importance in everyday life
- Light and its physiologically relevant measurement and quantification
- Light and chronobiological treatment modalities in the clinic
- Light in the built environment
- Light and chronobiology in industry
- An introduction workshop, a hands-on-workshop and a closing workshop (2 days each) will be held in Basel, Switzerland.
- The main part of the course will consist of live online lectures (45 min each) followed by a 30 min discussion.
- On each online lecture, 3-5 questions will be answered in written form and handed in to the speaker for evaluation.
- During the last 3 months of the course, students will write a thesis on a topic of their choice which is related to one of the topics of the CAS.
Leadership Team
Responsible persons from iHCDP:
- Prof. Dr. Christian Cajochen, iHCDP Director, PhD, Director of Studies, CAS Course speaker, Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel, christian.cajochen@upk.ch
- Dr. Mirjam Münch, Lead Environmental Circadian Lighting, PhD, CAS Course speaker and Chair of the Programme Board, University of Basel, mirjam.muench@unibas.ch
- Dr. med. Corrado Garbazza, Lead Circadian Health Clinic, MD PhD, CAS Course Speaker and Member of the Programme Board, University of Basel, corrado.garbazza@unibas.ch
- Prof. Dr. Manuel Spitschan, Lead Circadian Visual Neuroscience, PhD, CAS Course Speaker and Member of the Programme Board, Technical University of Munich and Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, manuel.spitschan@tum.de
- Nadja Schaubhut, iHCDP Platform and CAS Course Coordinator, MSc, University of Basel, nadja.schaubhut@unibas.ch
The course content will be taught by lecturers from the University of Basel and other universities in Switzerland and abroad, as well as practitioners in the field.
Please note: The course is still in planning. Interested parties are welcome to contact the following e-mail address below, but binding registration is not yet possible. More details will follow as we progress in the planning process.
Integrative Human Circadian Daylight Platform
Centre for Chronobiology
University Psychiatric Clinics (UPK)
Wilhelm Klein-Strasse 27
CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
Nadja Schaubhut, MSc, Course Coordinator
nadja.schaubhut@unibas.ch, e-mail subject: CAS