To catalyse any means necessary for the use of (day-)light to improve general health, quality of life and living conditions across the life span, based on biological, psychological and societal needs. For this purpose, the impact of daylight will be systematically assessed, and new tools, applications will be validated and implemented in the fields of vision science and ophthalmology, healthy ageing and clinical practice.
More than 10,000 visitors and over 100 exhibitors came together at the St. Jakobshalle in Basel on 22 February 2025. A mixture of expert presentations, fitness programs, check-ups and product offerings from the lifestyle, sports and nutrition sectors created variety.
On 23 October 2024, iHCDP Prof. Dr. Christian Cajochen took part in the Gantrisch Forum 2024 in Schwarzenburg, which is held annually in October to strengthen the importance and awareness of the Gantrisch Economic Vision.
The Sleep Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) takes place every two years. This year, 3688 participants met in Seville, Spain, from September 24 to 27 to discuss the latest findings in sleep research in 42 symposia and 160 presentations.
This year's meeting of the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR) took place from June 20 to 22 in Prague, Czech Republic. The diverse scientific program consisted of five symposia, a presentation round for young researchers, three discussion rounds, annual reviews, poster sessions and a data blitz.
The iHCDP team has been working on it for a while now: the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) course in Light and Chronobiology. We are excited to share this news now although there are quite a few steps to take until we are ready to start.
* Screenshot from the video produced and published by the Daylight Academy (DLA)
The Daylight Academy organized their annual Daylight Awareness Week from 13-17 November 2023. As part of this event, iHCDP Director Prof. Dr. Christian Cajochen spoke about the awareness of the effects of daylight throughout history.
Prof. Dr. Manuel Spitschan, Head of the Professorship of Chronobiology & Health at the Technical University of Munich and Research Group Leader at Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, was awarded the 2023 David Marr Medal by the Applied Vision Association (AVA).