Winter blues and depression

trees with no leaves in autumn on a farming field on a cloudy grey day with tracktor trails

In a recent interview, iHCDP director Prof. Dr. Christian Cajochen explains how seasonal depression can occur and what can help those affected.

The German-language article, entitled “Light therapy alleviates depression and low mood in the dark season,” was published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) on Saturday, 27th November 2022.


Advisory board meeting

On 6th October 2022, the iHCDP scientific advisory board met for the first time in Basel. Thank you to advisory board members Prof. Sara Montagenese, Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Scartezzini, and Prof. Dr. Michael Bach for visiting us at the Centre for Chronobiology and giving valuable feedback on iHCDP activities!


The iHCDP is 1!

Image of colourful cupcake with one candle

Today marks the one year anniversary of the iHCDP launch on 1st September 2021. We’re looking forward to even more research and collaboration next year!

Circadian Data Hub

We are excited to announce our Circadian Data Hub for storing and sharing research data, which will be developed by our newly-recruited data scientist Doris Lindörfer based at TU Munich. Welcome to the team!
