Dr. rer. biol. hum. Johannes Zauner

Circadian Database Coordinator

Johannes Zauner works as a researcher in the field of "Chronobiology and Health" in circadian datascience at the Technical University of Munich, having completed his PhD in Human Biology. After his apprenticeship in architectural drafting, he studied Interior Design and Architecture, and worked as a freelance planner as well as in research on energy-efficient buildings, daylighting and artificial lighting. Inspired by a pilot project in the field of "Light and Health" with the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU), he shifted his research focus to study the effects of light on humans. As a freelance partner of the Munich lighting design and engineering firm 3lpi he incorporates his studies into planning practice. Johannes Zauner is a member and spokesperson for the technical-scientific committee (TWA) of the German Lighting Technology Society (LiTG) for melanopic light effects, a member of the Expert Forum for Interior Lighting (EFI), and the CIE JTC20 for wearable alpha-opic dosimetry and light logging methods.