iHCDP Retreat in Tübingen, Germany

We are looking forward to our second iHCDP retreat from April 24-25, 2023. Prof. Dr. Manuel Spitschan will host the iHCDP Team at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany.


Brain Awareness Week 2023

On 13th March 2023, we will be part of the 26th Brain Awareness Week, organised by Neuroscience Network Basel. We will be hosting a tour of our laboratories, as well as holding talks and a podium discussion on the topic "Living in the right light". For details of this event, which will be in German, please see the programme.


Happy 2023!

The iHCDP wishes you a happy new year 2023!

The above photo was taken at the first iHCDP retreat in December 2022, where our teams from Tübingen, Munich and Basel shared their research and made plans for the next steps to be taken. We are excited to continue our collaboration in the new year!

First iHCDP retreat in Basel

Photo of Basel in winter

We are looking forward to the first iHCDP retreat, which will take place on 5th and 6th December 2022. The event will bring together iHCDP researchers from Munich, Tübingen, and Basel, and will allow the different research topics to be further integrated through a series of workshops.


Winter blues and depression

trees with no leaves in autumn on a farming field on a cloudy grey day with tracktor trails

In a recent interview, iHCDP director Prof. Dr. Christian Cajochen explains how seasonal depression can occur and what can help those affected.

The German-language article, entitled "Light therapy alleviates depression and low mood in the dark season," was published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) on Saturday, 27th November 2022.


Advisory board meeting

On 6th October 2022, the iHCDP scientific advisory board met for the first time in Basel. Thank you to advisory board members Prof. Sara Montagenese, Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Scartezzini, and Prof. Dr. Michael Bach for visiting us at the Centre for Chronobiology and giving valuable feedback on iHCDP activities!
