The iHCDP celebrates its 2-year anniversary!

Congrats letters under a parasol with a lantern

Photo by Eilis Garvey on Unsplash

We are happy to announce that our Integrative Human Circadian Daylight Platform already turns 2 years old. In September 2021 our team started mapping out the concept and preparing the work packages for each of the 3 modules. 

Since the start of the iHCDP, we were active in the academic community, the public and in different social media networks:

  • 31 scientific publications including one mention in a Nature Outlook article and one reprint by the Daylight Academy
  • 31 presentations at scientific conferences including keynotes, symposium chairs, oral and poster presentations
  • 14 public articles and interviews
  • 3 outreach events at St. Margarethen Observatory, Museums Night and Brain Week, all in Basel
  • 175 Twitter followers
  • more than 5000 website views

Besides all these outputs we are continuing our scientific acitivities within the three modules as well as for the platform in general.