We are excited to announce our Circadian Data Hub for storing and sharing research data, which will be developed by our newly-recruited data scientist Doris Lindörfer based at TU Munich. Welcome to the team!
(more…)We are excited to announce our Circadian Data Hub for storing and sharing research data, which will be developed by our newly-recruited data scientist Doris Lindörfer based at TU Munich. Welcome to the team!
(more…)How does light influence the circadian clock, sleep and health? On 20th and 21st May 2022 we will accompany the day with lectures and light measurements at the St. Margarethen Observatory in Basel.
(more…)On 21st March 2022, we welcomed members of the advisory board to our online launch event. Presentations of the three module research plans were followed by fruitful discussion. We thank all members of the advisory board for their useful input!
(more…)We are very excited to welcome Johanna Otte and Sophie Reckels, who have just started as the first iHCDP PhD students in the module Environmental Circadian Lighting. The researchers will be supervised by Dr. Mirjam Münch.
(more…)We are very excited to welcome some new members to the iHCDP! Dr. Miriam Ries has started as Platform Coordinator and Béatrice Anderlohr-Streule will join the iHCDP as Administration.
(more…)We are very excited to announce that we launched our new Integrative Human Circadian Daylight Platform (iHCDP) on September 1st, 2021. The interdisciplinary platform will integrate and comprehensively fuse basic, applied, and clinical aspects of human circadian daylight research to improve circadian health, quality of life and well-being across the lifespan. The iHCDP platform is financially supported by the Velux Foundation Switzerland for 4 years.