Our new platform coordinator

A warm welcome to our new iHCDP coordinator!

We are very excited that Nadja Schaubhut joined our team as new platform coordinator. Nadja Schaubhut holds a Master of Science in Ecology from the University of Basel and has several years of expertise in website content management, translations and freelancing editorial activities. We are very much looking to working with her!

iHCDP Retreat in Tübingen, Germany

We are looking forward to our second iHCDP retreat from April 24-25, 2023. Prof. Dr. Manuel Spitschan will host the iHCDP Team at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany.


Brain Awareness Week 2023

On 13th March 2023, we will be part of the 26th Brain Awareness Week, organised by Neuroscience Network Basel. We will be hosting a tour of our laboratories, as well as holding talks and a podium discussion on the topic "Living in the right light". For details of this event, which will be in German, please see the programme.


Happy 2023!

The iHCDP wishes you a happy new year 2023!

The above photo was taken at the first iHCDP retreat in December 2022, where our teams from Tübingen, Munich and Basel shared their research and made plans for the next steps to be taken. We are excited to continue our collaboration in the new year!